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Skilled Professor

Analyze ideas & use logic to determine their strengths & weaknesses

Placement & Careers

Our college provide guidance to the students for their careers & placement

Sports Activities

College sports committee organises various sports activities & events

Book Library

Books are human's best friend, as the person who is habitual of reading books

College Gallery

Gallery 2020

Departments of History and English has organised an International WEBINAR on the issue of Covid 19 catastrophe

As we are faced with a global pandemic and are a part of a world crisis,as academicians we hold the responsibility of contributing our bit towards the well being of our students. Keeping in with the idea of being the counsellors and guides of our students and responsible members of the society, the Departments of History and English organised an International WEBINAR on the issue of Covid 19 catastrophe from 27th to 30th of April 2020.

NSS 7day camp inaugural ceremony on 17th February, 2020
Career counselling workshop on 14th February, 2020
Rashtriya Kavi Sammelan on 3rd February, 2020
Annual Function "Spandan" on 1st February, 2020
Histo-Literary Festival "Roots and Wings" Season 2 on 31th January, 2020
NSS Rovers Rangers Training and Camp in college from 25th January to 29th January, 2020
Annual Sports on Republic Day 26th January, 2020
Department of Sociology organised lecture on "Sociology of Language" on 22 January, 2020. The lecture was delivered by Dr Rajesh Mishra
Quiz competition on 'Constitution of India' organized on 17th January, 2020
Indoor games on 17th January, 2020
International workshop organized on 9th & 10th January, 2020
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