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Skilled Professor

Analyze ideas & use logic to determine their strengths & weaknesses

Placement & Careers

Our college provide guidance to the students for their careers & placement

Sports Activities

College sports committee organises various sports activities & events

Book Library

Books are human's best friend, as the person who is habitual of reading books

College Gallery

Gallery 2019

Vaad-Vivaad Competition on (सार्वजनिक सम्पत्ति की सुरक्षा) on 11th December, 2019
Samvidhan Diwas Celebration on 25th November, 2019
Gandhi Jayanti (Padhe Lucknow Badhe Lucknow) & NSS Visit - 2019

On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti a drive called "Padhe Lucknow Badhe Lucknow" under this program a reading session of 45 mins from 11 to 11.45 am on 01/10/19 was organised.

Guest Lecture

Social and economic policies in present scenario lecture orginazied by Sociology Department and Lecture Delivered by Dr. C.S. Verma

Presentation in Commerce Dept.

Presentation in Commerce Dept on "selling and advertising" on 24.09.2019

Elocution Competition

Elocution competition organised in the Department of English 23.09.2019

Parent-Teacher Meeting

Parent-Teacher Meeting on 21.09.2019

Swachchhta evm Seva Pakhwada

Swachchhta evm Seva Pakhwada 14.09.2019 to 20.09.2019

NSS Camp About Nutrition

In Quila Muhammadinagar cleanliness drive and distribution of 100 soap cakes by N.C.C. OfficerN.C.C. Officer and cadets

Seva n swachata saptah kila mohamdi ngr tondikhera primary school m copy pen n biscuits ka vitran Geography Department k dwara kiya gaya On 16.09.2019

Speech Competition in the Dept. of Geography on 09.09.2019
Debate Competition
FIT India Program

National Sports Day Celebration on 31.08.2019

Plantation Drive - Commerce Department
International Yoga Day 21.06.2019
Alumni Association Meet
International Seminar & Another Events - 2019
Imporatant Links

Important Websites